Add a little mindfulness to your day, it goes a long way

Mindfulness - an act that encompasses slowing down, taking a moment to pause, to reflect and contemplate… a meditation in the present moment.  During the hectic pace of our multi-tasking days, mindfulness can bring us a wealth of goodness.  

Appreciate what is around you and where it comes from, how it affects you and what it brings you.  Let’s say you are having a meal that includes a side dish of zucchini.  Where does the zucchini come from?  Think back, the zucchini started out as a seed, planted by a farmer in his rich soil. With the help of water and sunshine, a plant appears and when the vegetables are ripe, they are picked, packed and sent to a market.  

As you browse the market’s bountiful selection, you choose your zucchini and bring them home. You take the time to wash, chop and cook them in a pan alongside some garlic and spices. The aroma fills the room and then you place them steaming onto your plate. Try closing your eyes. Smell, savor and fully taste the dish you just prepared, as it fills you with nourishment, warmth and enjoyment. We often take for granted all these steps. Instead, marvel at what nature brings us.  Enrich your experience.  

Here’s another example from every day life. Brushing my teeth too quickly and possibly too firmly was the norm because I let the many things running around in my head take over.  Now I take the time to concentrate on the act of brushing. I pay attention to every tooth, and I am aware of my posture and breathing. My teeth are now receiving the proper care daily.

Mindfulness can be practiced in every aspect of your life.  It can help slow down the pace of your day, it can bring you back to yourself when you’ve been stretched apart and distracted.  Meditation in the present moment offers you much goodness, it can help you reflect on and delight in what is taking place throughout your day.  

If you are tense or feeling overwhelmed it will bring you inner calm. It makes you conscious of your breath, and clears your mind.  Mindfulness helps you appreciate your experiences while it makes you smile, and brings you satisfaction.

As always, share with me your own experience of mindfulness and how it has affected you in a positive way.  

Cheers to your health!