A tool that will keep your toilet time to a minimum!

Welcome the foot stool, a 10-12 inch step stool to place under your feet when you are sitting on the toilet.  Yes, this is a newsletter about keeping your poop time short and sweet.  Did I really say that?!?

Sit down on your toilet seat and place the step-stool in front of the toilet. Place your feet up and lean your body forward mimicking the squat position that is a natural, more efficient way of eliminating.  In short, the intestines are straightened out, therefore in the proper alignment to eliminate quickly, and easily so that nothing is left behind and there is much less, possibly even no more pushing time!  Your toilet side magazines and crossword puzzle books will need a new home.

My step-stool is foldable, so when not in use, it is stashed by the side of the toilet, where it takes up very little space.

I invite you to try this out and to share your experiences with me, and most of all your family and friends.  Happy pooping to all!

For more information on the overall toilet experience, such as recognizing what a normal bowel movement should look like, for example, I recommend the following reading, very educational:

read the Gizmodo Poop Article


poop stool