A sweet potato recipe and your yearly Vitamin D reminder - Autumn is calling!

Tuileries gardens, Paris

Tuileries gardens, Paris


Happy Autumn to you all!

It’s that time again for a Vitamin D reminder. Now that we are receiving less sunlight, our body will no longer produce Vitamin D on its own. Therefore it is essential to our health and well-being to take this supplement during the Winter months, and starting now! 

For more details on the subject and for links to sources of these products, please refer to my newsletter from this time last year:

Vitamin D - preventative care for the Winter to come


Oven-roasted sweet potato fires: a colorful autumn treat


- 2 large or 3 medium size sweet potatoes, preferably organic because we will keep the skin

- olive oil

- salt and pepper (also try adding some of your favorite spices, cinnamon or cayenne pepper work great with sweet potatoes)

Sweet potatoes from Raspail market, Paris

Sweet potatoes from Raspail market, Paris


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Wash and scrub the sweet potatoes.  Dry and cut them in thin strips, as you would regular fries.  Place them in rows on a greased oven pan/rack.  Roast them for 30 minutes.  Remove them to drizzle olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper (and desired spices) to taste.  Return to oven for an addition 5 minutes or until tender or crispy, as desired.  Let cool for a few minutes before serving…and enjoy, I’m sure there won’t be any left!

Cheers to your health…