Getting ready for Winter continued - Dry skin is a thing of the past

Try this easy tip that will enable you to go hand and body lotion-free, while bringing on an energizing sense of well-being!  

Dry scrubbing before the shower

Use a gentle loofah style or terry cloth mitt.  Start at your feet then work your way up.  Accentuate the areas that are excessively dry such as ankles, knees, and elbows.  You can go a little firmer on the lower half of the body and softer as you make your way to the upper half.  

Scrub all your bits except for the breasts and face, which means not to forget:

  • the sections between your toes, top of the foot
  • under your knees
  • on the inside of your elbows
  • the crease of your groin
  • the butt cheeks
  • between the fingers and the tops of the hands
  • the section between the breasts
  • and even the armpits (I use a mitt just for that zone, give a rather gentle scrub with a soft mitt)
  • Think of massaging the shoulder and neck area with the mitt, and other areas you might instinctively feel the desire to do so

Certain parts of the body will become pink after scrubbing. this is absolutely fine, no need to insist further.

"Your health gives you more true pleasures than pleasures themselves."  - François Fénelon

Start once a week at first, enabling the body to slough off dead skin, stimulate the circulatory system and feel greatly invigorated.   After your first few scrubbings, you will notice that your skin is very soft and smooth, and no longer needs moisturizer!! This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use moisturizer, just that you won’t need it like you have in the past, especially in these drier months ahead.

Me time:
It is also a me-time self-care ritual that I like to perform regularly.  A mini massage session, that feels like a treat to myself.   We can always use more of those.  So before you head to the shower, give it a try and let me know how you feel!

Purchase and care:
Hemp/linen and cotton mixture mitt (or any terry cloth mitt): found in your natural food store or online. Wash your mitts regularly, like you do your towels.  Here is a similar glove to the one I get in France:


Cheers to your health!

Sophie DeVore

For consultations or for any questions please contact me via my website’s contact form by clicking on this link: